Course Outline:   PID Writing Workshop

Duration:  1 day

Course Code:  XSAPID

This short, fast moving workshop is designed to lead the PID author through the elements of the PID giving a greater depth of understanding of the data required.

The objectives of the workshop are to allow the attendees to understand key elements of the PID, and practical experience of how to derive the data to write a well defined PID.


The Project Initiation Document is one of the key elements of a successful project. It defines the environment that the project will be managed under and establishes the contract between the Project Sponsor and
Project Manager.

Many PID’s are poorly defined leading to significant problems and in some cases failure of the project later in the project lifecycle.

This short, fast moving workshop is designed to lead the PID author through the elements of the PID giving a greater depth of understanding of the data required.

Workshop Aims and Objectives

The objectives of the workshop are to allow the attendees to understand key elements of the PID, and practical experience of how to derive the data to write a well defined PID.

By the end of the workshop delegates will be able to identify the type and level of information required to complete the following PID elements:


  • Communications plan
  • Quality plan
  • Risk log
  • Plan
  • Controls
  • Business Case

Target Audience

The workshop is aimed at all levels of staff who will be completing or authorising information contained within a PID including Project Managers, Team Managers, Project Support and Project Board Members

Audience Prerequisites

Delegates should have a basic understanding of PRINCE2™

Instructional Strategy

This is an interactive workshop with most of the activities being performed by the attendees.

The key activities of the workshop are based on a set of scenarios.

Attendees will be grouped into teams of 4 or 5 depending on the number attending. The maximum number of delegates is 25.

The session will start by introducing the scenario and providing delegates with a copy of the project brief. Attendees will be guided through six workshop sessions in order to complete various sections of the PID.

Workshop Duration

The workshop is designed to last approximately 6 hours.

PRINCE2™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce.

Focus Project Management, 57a Church Street, Market Deeping, Peterborough, PE6 8AN

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